
Mayıs, 2019 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

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Future trends for 2021—you heard it here first

    Business         Athflow. Japandi. Skinimalism. Vibey lights. If you haven't heard these words before, well, that's the whole point. Pinterest Predicts isn't your typical year-end trend report. It's a not-yet-trending report , featuring 150 trends we expect to spike in 2021. See the predictions     Help Center   ·   Privacy Policy   ·   Terms & Conditions   ·   Unsubscribe   Pinterest. Inc   ·   651 Brannan Street   ·   San Francisco   ·   CA, 94107    

3-day cleansing diet on beetroot and kefir: cleanse the intestines and remove all excess from the body

Diet, or rather unloading on kafir and beetroot will appeal to those who want to get rid of everything superfluous in a short time, after detox-cleansing of the body, and those who want to “quickly” lose 1-2 kilograms. The basic principles of diet: 1. For 3 days, diets should be forgotten about the usual foods: jelly (except kefir); cereals; meat; vegetables (except beet) and fruits; sweets and bread; alcohol and fast food; 2. For 3 days of the diet, only 3 products are allowed: beets, kefir and water; * Kefir can take a little fat, up to 1%; * Beets (1 kilogram per day) - can be eaten fresh or boiled; If fresh, it is in the form of a salad without dressing, but with oil, and a minimum of salt and spices (which can hold water; If boiled, then without any additives; * Water to drink in unlimited quantities; but not less than 1 l per day; In addition to beets, kefir and water, you can also drink herbal or green tea; 4. During the day there should be 4-5 main and additional meals. 5. If

9 incredible reasons why you should eat a couple of celery stalks every evening!

Celery is an incredibly useful vegetable that can provide an endless list of health benefits. Here are the benefits for your body: 1. Helps digestion Some people describe celery as “crisp water”, and it is certainly good for digestion. Celery - a rich source of water, which, in combination with insoluble fibers, regulates the chair. Tip: In the case of diarrhea, avoid eating celery, as it has potent diuretic and cleansing properties. 2. Relieves inflammation. Its consumption will relieve you from acne, asthma, pain in the joints, as well as lung infections. It regulates alkaline balance. 3. Reduces blood pressure Celery contains active compounds known as phthalides, which improve the function of the circulatory system, while eating raw celery reduces high blood pressure. 4. Reduces bad cholesterol Celery contains an ingredient known as butylphthalide, which provides its flavor and taste. This ingredient reduces bad cholesterol. 5. Maintains eye health A large celery stalk has up to 1

“Yeast complex of youth”. Instead of a syringe!

“Fortune excludes old age. He who preserves the ability to see the beautiful, he does not grow old ... ”Frantz Kafka, friend, how are you right! The happier we women are, the more we love life, the more beautiful we look. The true pleasure of each passing day makes the face young, inspired, fresh. I want to give our beautiful readers one wonderful recipe, which, I am sure, will bring joy. Even in the 14th century, Queen Nefertiti used a similar mask for rejuvenation, it included yeast as the most active component, and water and olive oil were also present. We have a different recipe, improved. Yeast face mask is simply created in order to conduct a course of rejuvenation. It can be done 1 time and immediately feel the effect, but the best thing is not to stop and continue doing the mask for 2 weeks, every day. Salon procedures rest! If you take the case responsibly, you can get a breathtaking result from the use of the mask. Wrinkles ... Where did they go? Yeast Mask INGREDIENTS 2 tsp.

The famous anti-wrinkle cream that smoothes the worst skin in a week.

The famous anti-wrinkle cream that smoothes the worst skin in a week. To the note: it is absorbed for a long time, more than an hour, so they need to be used 2 hours before sleep. You will see the first result in 3 days. The recipe is simple and truly magical. It will take. Half fresh yolk, 2 tsp almond oil (can be replaced with olive oil), 1 tsp sea food salt, 2 tsp chamomile decoction (1 tbsp dry grass per 200 ml of water, boil for 15-20 minutes), 0.5 tsp of this honey, 2 tsp of vaseline (sold at the pharmacy). - Mix thoroughly all with a spoon until smooth. And so several times that there was a uniform consistence. Keep refrigerated. - Apply to the skin with light massage movements. After 30 minutes, remove the remnants of a cotton swab dipped in mineral water. Anyone who respects their skin should really like the cream.

Best Recipe of natural anti-cellulite mustard

1. The easiest recipe      The amount of mustard, which is needed for packaging - just two tablespoons. Mustard should be mixed with a small amount of hot water. The hot water should come from the rapid dissolution of the mustard powder and not the formation of lumps. Apply the resulting mixture to the problem areas of the skin and wrap it with two layers of cling film. Duration - no more than 15 minutes, longer procedure may cause burns. After packing, you must take a hot shower without using soap and apply a cream on the skin (it is best to use a moisturizer). 2. Wrap with honey and mustard This recipe is as simple as the previous one, with the only difference being that two tablespoons of liquid natural honey should be added to the mixture of mustard powder and water. Mix well, apply on skin, wrap with cling film and leave for 30 minutes. For greater efficiency, you can wrap yourself in a warm sheet or towel over the film. After half an hour you need to take a warm shower and mois

Hand and foot care

Say goodbye to dry, cracked hands. Even if your gloves have not done their job this winter, this easy-to-clean exfoliant will remove all dead skin cells. Plus, it cleans and moisturizes, leaving hands soft and smooth. ingredients: • 1 ounce ground almonds • 1 teaspoon of clear honey • 2 teaspoons of walnut or sunflower oil • 1 teaspoon of lemon juice Instructions: 1. Mix all the ingredients together until you get a thick paste. 2. Rub a teaspoon of this mixture on your hands for two to three minutes, then rinse. Use whenever your hands need extra care.

Honey and almond mask for skin whitening

Honey and almond mask for skin whitening This is the best way to improve the clarity of the skin. Honey and almond have excellent properties for lightening the skin and ensuring good hydration. You can easily make this skin whitening mask by following these steps: 1- Mix one tablespoon of milk powder, 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice with 1/2 teaspoon of almond oil. 2-  Apply the mixture gently to the skin. 3- Leave on for 10 to 15 minutes. 4- Rinse with warm water. Face mask with almonds for a radiant and radiant skin: This almond facial mask works wonders for your skin. Use the pendant online for a fortnight and see the result for yourself. ingredients: 3 to 4 almonds Milk for dipping almonds Preparation: 1- In the morning, dip 3 or 4 almonds in the milk. 2- At night, crush these almonds in the milk to form a very fine paste. 3- Apply to the face and leave on overnight. 4- In the morning, wash your face with cold water. With this mask, your skin becomes clearer and br

Lemon and sugar scrub

To keep the skin of your hands smooth and wrinkle free, you can use a natural exfoliant like this lemon and sugar scrub: 1- In a small bowl, take two to three tablespoons of granulated sugar and add the juice of a lemon. 2- Mix these ingredients well. 3-  Apply the mixture generously on your hands. 4- Massage your hands in a gentle circular motion until the sugar granules begin to dissolve. 5- After a few minutes, wash your hands with cold water. You can use this natural scrub on rough areas like elbows and knees. Sugar granules help remove dead skin cells, and lemon helps clear skin complexion

How to Fine-tune Her Nose Naturally Without Surgery

Speaking of the characteristics of a beautiful woman, this usually means a long, bright mane, large eyes, perfect pink lips and a sharp nose. A sharp nose undoubtedly attracts people's attention on your face. In addition, it is generally considered that women with a sharp nose make makeup more easily than others. Many women these days spend a lot on cosmetic surgeries to get a perfectly formed nose. On the other hand, there are some who do not want to bear any risk that these surgeries imply. Well, for all of you, beautiful ladies wanting to refine your nose, perfectly free of charge, here are some ways to refine your nose naturally. How to have a sharp nose naturally or without surgery? Refine your nose with clothespin Currently, many sell nose clips or commonly called the nose tool up. This tool is currently very popular. In fact, these tools have also been widely sold online. Through social media, many people who offer nose clips with a price that varies, ranging from tens to hu

the top home remedies for skin rejuvenation

The craze for young people to search has led to many chemical treatments like Botox, Facial Placenta all a lot of other treatments that are not only temporary and expensive, but can also have side effects. There are natural ways to rejuvenate your skin that can be more effective. Although, with age our skin regenerates less quickly, but you can speed up this process by drinking lots of water, eating healthy and balanced food, playing sports regularly, getting enough sleep and staying away from drinking. Alcohol to smoke and refrain from eating unhealthy processed foods as well as taking proper care of your skin. Nevertheless, there are many natural ingredients available in your kitchen and home counters that are rich in antioxidant vitamins and minerals that can combat these effects and revitalize and rejuvenate your skin naturally. Your skin will remain free of wrinkles, fine line and age spots and a healthy, youthful appearance for a much longer period than expected Here are the top 

Top Home Remedies for Removing Facial Hair

Many women suffer from the problem of excess hair appearing in different parts of the body such as legs, arms and face which can be a nightmare especially when your wedding date approaches. The appearance of excess hair in the facial area causes feelings of embarrassment and loss of self-confidence, especially for girls who are getting married. The main cause of excess hair growth is the hormonal disorder. The level of  estrogen  hormone determines the rate of hair growth. If you have tried a number of ways to remove facial hair like creams, face wax and you have not got the desired results and the hairs grow fast again, you can discover with us some natural recipes that will help you to remove facial hair permanently. Top Home Remedies for Removing Facial Hair The oat mask This mask helps to remove facial hair, soften the skin and gives it a luminous and natural clarity. Ingredients: * Half a tablespoon of oats; * A tablespoon of organic honey; * A few drops of fresh lemon juice. Meth